Thursday 17 May 2012

Snapshot from Sudder Street in Kolkata

Today (not today) Shyamala will have a checkup. She has been taking her meds since Sunday. We forgot last night's dose. I am not sure what to do in those cases. I will have to ask Dr. Dey.

We meet her dentist today, Rashmi. I hope she's nice and willing to do some research on S's condition.

Little sleepy head, still sleeping in our hotel bed. Cool and stormy morning, perfect for a sleep in. I love you little S.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 1. Chapter 14

I've mentioned before that R and I have joined a Children's Bhagavatam group.  The group is run by parents from all parts of the world headed by the esteemed Arrudha devi dasi.  We work through a chapter of Srimad Bhagavatam a week according to our child's abilities.  Many parents write up possible questions and create activities based on the chapter to share with other parents.  

This week I was inspired my Madhavi Radhika's activities.  I adapted them a little to 'fit' with R's abilities.

Nice activities.  Thank you Madhavi Radhika.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Marble Painting with Shaving Foam

We used food colouring, paper, shaving foam, a tray, the end of a paintbrush and some droppers.

Spread some foam on a tray, we used a ruler and our fingers to do this.

Then drop some colours here and there. 

With the end of a paint brush, or anything similar, swirl and squiggle and zigzag and loop, etc.

Then print by placing and gently pressing and rubbing paper on top.

Pretty isn't it!

And the process again:

This was fun!  We'll be doing this again for playgroup this week.

Peas in Pods

This is another of our more recent playgroup activities; removing peas from pods.  This simple activity promotes fine motor development (development of the control of small muscles) as well as healthy eating.

The little children started wanting to munch on them pretty much as soon as the pods were open, so we quickly offered some peas to Lord Jagannath who we were sitting just beside.  

Soon all the peas were free and ready for our pea and mint soup later that evening...yum!