Tuesday 13 December 2011

Stellaluna and a Scarecrow

I haven't felt very inspired over the last few days.  S has been quite sick and the days are short, maybe that has something to do with it, maybe we just need a schooling break?

Still, we've managed to do some things.  We've been reading  Stellaluna by Janell Cannon.  R (5) has started going out every evening for a few minutes to collect some data which he reords on a tally chart.   Later we'll make a bar graph with the information we find and will post it up.

R and I have also started writing a review on the book.  We first read other book reivews that were written by children at Spaghetti Book Club and might even send ours in when we're finished.

To finish off the day and nothing really to do about bats (unless it will keep the bats off our tomatoes at night) we decided to make a  super simple scarecrow for the veggie patch.!  Have you ever seen a Hare Krishna scarecrow?  Sikha and all!


  1. Ishaan loves the scarecrow. He comments on it every day when we bike past :)

  2. We should have called him over to help too. I feel like I haven't seen you both for ages, not properly. Come over when you get a chance. I'm glad Ishaan loves the scarecrow.
